Presented by Loren Crawford, Men's Coach and Mentor


Presented by Loren Crawford,

 Men's Coach and Mentor

How Men Break Free From Being Unhappy In Midlife So That They Reignite Relationships, Discover Purpose And Reclaim The Life They Love 

Even if they've tried therapy or career counselling and read all the 

self-help books

In this Masterclass, I’ll share:

  • The 3 common mistakes made when they reach the crossroads of life and what to do instead

  • Why traditional career counselling might be the wrong path in midlife... New discovery shows a smarter way to fulfillment

  • The surprising reason why people 45+ who focus on external goals stay stuck…And how to break free

About Your Host

Loren Crawford is a Certified Wellness Coach most famous for helping people in midlife who want to find freedom, fulfillment, and purpose in their wisdom years. Over the past two decades, he’s helped thousands of clients get clear about their futures so they can thrive.

His 3-step Midlife Mastery Method helps clients get the clarity they are seeking and inside this free training, he shares exactly how it all works. 

How To Break Free From A Job You No Longer Love So You Can Reignite Relationships, Discover Purpose,

And Reclaim Your Life

Even if you're tried therapy or career counselling and read all the self-help books

In this Masterclass, I’ll share:

  • ​The 3 common mistakes made when midlifers reach the crossroads of life and what to do instead

  • ​Why traditional career counselling might be the wrong path in midlife... New discovery shows a smarter way to fulfillment

  • The surprising reason why people 45+ who focus on external goals stay stuck...And how to break free

About Your Host

Loren Crawford is a Certified Wellness Coach most famous for helping people in midlife who want to find freedom, fulfillment, and purpose in their wisdom years. Over the past two decades, he’s helped thousands of clients get clear about their futures so they can thrive.

His 3-step Midlife Mastery Method helps clients get the clarity they are seeking and inside this free training, he shares exactly how it all works. 

This Is For Midlifers Who Want To Take Control Of The Next Stage Of Life 

This Is For Midlifers Who Want To Take Control Of The Next Stage Of Life 

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