woman making heart with hands

Love or Fear - Which One Is Leading Your Life?

November 28, 20241 min read

In today’s world, it’s far too easy to let fear run the show. The headlines scream catastrophe. Politicians shout blame. Everywhere you turn, there’s division, anger, and scarcity. It’s a world driven by fear, and most of us are caught in its grip.

Fear tells us we’re not enough. It whispers that life is dangerous, people are untrustworthy, and there’s never enough to go around. Fear divides us, isolates us, and keeps us small. It feeds dis-ease in our minds and bodies and creates a world of separation.

But there’s another way—a better way.

Living from love changes everything. When we live in love, we see possibility instead of problems. We trust in abundance instead of clinging to scarcity. Love unites us, allowing us to embrace differences and learn from them. Living in love means having faith that the Universe has our backs and that we’re here to grow, care, and share.

Making the shift from fear to love isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. It starts with unplugging from the noise—turn off the news, stop outsourcing your decisions, and reconnect with your inner wisdom. Ask yourself:

  • Who do I want to become?

  • What do I want my life to look like?

  • What choices will take me there?

The answers are within you, but fear will try to drown them out. That’s why working with a coach is so powerful. A coach helps you cut through the noise, challenge limiting beliefs, and step into your full potential.

Love is a choice. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. When you live from love, you don’t just transform your life—you inspire others to do the same.

Loren is a coach who specializes in midlife challenges. He works with people to help them identify their deep soul-driven desires so they can live their best years yet.

Loren Crawford

Loren is a coach who specializes in midlife challenges. He works with people to help them identify their deep soul-driven desires so they can live their best years yet.

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