Yoga Off the Mat, What It Can Mean


What is the notion of "yoga off the mat"?  It can have different meanings, some more superficial than others. For me, it means learning about myself on the mat - and taking those learnings...

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Yoga and Inertia


Have you ever felt stuck?

It could be like you're in a similar situation or pattern that keeps occurring over and over again. It may be a relationship that is no longer fulfilling or a job that is...

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Breath - The Vehicle to Your Higher Self


The breath is the link between the body and mind. 

While challenging at first, a focus on the breath as you evolve in your practice is essential. 

Connecting with the breath in such a way...

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Yoga As More Than A Physical Practice

practice spiritual yoga Jan 25, 2021

Many of us start yoga as a physical process, which feels great. Yoga may be a simple exercise regime for some. 

Over time, people build a wonderful mind-body connection. They may actually...

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September Check-in


It's been a while since my last vlog. I really needed to take some time away to reflect on the challenges Covid-19 brought to my life.  Losing my yoga space to a pandemic was not something I...

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Patience - A Yogic Virtue

clarity patience practice yoga Feb 20, 2020

Patience. It’s a quality that is in limited supply for many of you. The practices of yoga can serve to increase your ability to find and rest in patience. There is a tremendous amount of...

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Is Your Yoga Practice Serving You?

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself this question? 

Does the question even make sense to you? 

How should a yoga practice serve someone? 

Why does this even matter?

When I...

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