Community Is Key

My heart was warmed this week when I reached out to folks asking them to participate in a survey I conducted to help me shape the next stages of my yoga offerings. It always heartens me when people are generously willing to share and contribute when called up. To me, this is also the essence of a community; being there for each other in the good times and the bad.

Most of us plug into communities, some more formal than others. Regardless of the type, communities foster a sense of belonging and purpose. In a time of increasing isolation and alienation, communities are of the utmost importance. The preponderance of social media, streaming and downloads can make it all too easy to disconnect from our communities. When this happens there can be a downward spiral into loneliness and seclusion.

The pandemic restrictions negatively impacted most communities. Some were able to pivot and adapt to an online approach to staying connected while others not so much. The yoga world embraced online platforms with Zoom classes becoming the norm. While this isn’t ideal for some, many of us believe that there are tremendous benefits to doing yoga in your own space. One big advantage is that it can plant the seeds for doing home practice on your own. Many practitioners struggle with home practice, not sure of how to make it work. Now they know!

There is a paradox in the yoga journey. We do want to cultivate community and a sense of belonging, the sharing and growing together that comes with that. But ultimately yoga is about the individual using the various tools and techniques to assist them on their own unique pathway to freedom, fulfillment and joy. Different tools and techniques are adopted as practitioners evolve in their practice. The tantric concept of being an island in a sea of ambrosia best depicts this individual/group paradox.

The beauty of the yoga community is that it respects the vast differences of lived experiences of its participants and provides a space of acceptance and support for all. Yogis don’t need to explain to each other why they devote themselves to daily practice and forego some things others may enjoy in pursuit of their yoga practice.

For much of my life, I felt like an outsider, never quite fitting in. The effect on me was one of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy. It was through my yoga journey and the loving community I found in it that I was able to begin a healing journey. The journey is a unique one for each of us. Mine included not only yoga training but also the study of Ayurveda and reiki.

I remember taking my first yoga classes in a gym in Vancouver. After class participants had an air of lightness, calm and serenity. I was drawn to this on some level. At that point, I wouldn’t say I was part of a community, but later when I encountered teachers who included discussion and sharings in their classes, a sense of community grew. 

Most of the teachers I studied with were amazing, each with their own warts and wrinkles, we are all human after all. The best teachers nurtured students and fostered a thriving community. I’ve found over the years that love is the common thread that holds yoga communities together. Love starts within. It is self-love that makes an individual blossom. Self-love is an output of personal practice. Self-love is a necessary element to a cohesive and loving yoga community.

Yoga can teach us many things. It is not about the destination - a big fancy pose for example - but more about the journey and all the shifts and challenges we overcome along the way. It also helps folks like me learn to accept themselves just as they are and to learn to love themselves fully. And, yoga offers a wonderful community ideally filled with mutual respect and kindness.

As I move forward in my personal yoga journey and evolve my offerings as a teacher, I’m eternally grateful to students and teachers along the way who have supported me. The richness of connections always touches my heart and reminds me of the power of these teachings and the importance of community.

Over the upcoming months, I commit to providing more opportunities at Loren Crawford Yoga for you all to connect and feel a part of this yoga community. I recognize some of you like to remain behind the scenes and follow in your own way. While others are eager to actively show up for classes, events and more. We’ll continue to build something beautiful.

As always, my commitment is to share these teachings in the best way possible. Your participation is greatly appreciated.


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