Prospertity | Purpose | Fulfillment

Master Midlife

Embrace Change And Find Your Path

I'll help you navigate the

midlife maze

Build greater awareness, use new tools and adopt your winning midlife mindset

Mindset shift

Change can feel daunting, but what if you viewed it as an opportunity? Shift your mindset , move beyond resistance, embrace the unknowns, and seize your inner power to reinvent yourself.

Energy and change

Adopt new tools and strategies to uplevel your energy so you feel better physically and mentally. Nothing changes until you change your energy and connect to the powerful creator you are.

Community connection

Midlife is a time to connect with others, build new relationships and let go of those the no longer serve you. It's not a time to isolate and withdraw from the world. We grow stronger with support and shared experiences.

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...

Please know that you're not the only one facing midlife challenges


You think about the fact that it's time for a change your life

But you're not sure where to begin. You feel lost in your middle years and you’re not alone! Embrace this stage as one of self-discovery. There's power in journaling, mindfulness and meditation, reconnecting with old passions and finding new ones. These tools can help illuminate your path!


You understand that you deserve more than you have now

But you lack the clarity or vision to move foward. You fear what others will think and dread the thought of failure. But when you tap into soul-driven desires you can't fail.

Clients often find a passion they never thought could become a next stage career. Sarah's passion for helping others lead her from feeling stuck in a career that drained her to launching her own coaching business. Her journey is proof that your best years can be ahead of you!


You want to live the way you want!

There's a voice inside of you saying to it. That's an important voice that we often ignore. But here's the thing, we have this one life, why not make it all it can be? What do you have to lose? We can be very small-minded about our futures, fear holds us back.

Have you ever wanted to try pottery, dancing, or even stand-up comedy? Now’s the time to explore! Reinventing yourself can be liberating and fun. Who knows, it could lead to unexpected opportunities!

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then you’re in the right place!

Working together to create the best you!

Too often midlife is perceived as the beginning of the end. Let's blow that idea away. This is an amazing time to explore new opportunities.

"My commitment is to help you dive deep and tap into the soul-driven desires that you were put on this earth to explore. You're got all the answers within. Let me help you discover them."

What I live for and how I can be useful to you

My purpose is clear - I'm here to help awaken to the best version of you

My life

Challenges and rewards have fueled my life. Amazing teachers, healers and coaches helped me become a modern mystic who embraces no singular tradition or approach in my service to humanity


Life has been my best teacher, but I've done the university thing twice, received innumerable certifications in yoga, Ayurveda and other healing modalities. And I've learned a ton from the students and clients I've served.

Pathless path

I was not the guy who was supposed to be a spiritual seeker. It happened by mistake, a gift I'm eternally grateful for. After two decades of beautiful and sometimes painful spiritual and personal work I find myself on the pathless path which is remarkable.

My hobbies

I'm very much a homebody, someone who enjoys his own company and likes the solitude of an inspiring read. I also love walks in nature, living in one of the most pristine places in Canada, that's easy. And I enjoy cooking and even baking muffins and scones.


Teaching and healing beautifully evolved into coaching over the last decade. I wasn't familiar with coaching until I started to explore personal gowth work, which revealed years of spiritual by-passing. Coaching is an essential part of a balanced life I know realize.

My projects

I've always been a project guy, I can never sit idle. That's why the notion of retirement is anethema to me. I have a group coaching program and other supporting aspects of it. I'm writing too! Check out my blogs, YouTube channel and of course my masterclass.


Client Reviews

It’s nice to look back at where you started. I feel like I’ve changed a lot…in my days…my focus…my perspective…and dealing with the “negative thoughts” that come up as well, has evolved in me, because it could hold me back a lot. And now I’m able to feel those emotions and give them the attention that they want, but still move forward after that. That is huge!


Troy D

Loren is exceptionally insightful and has a real talent for transmitting his knowledge. Not to mention that his sense of humour makes the journey fun.  My sessions with Loren have all been transformative, he has an remarkable knack for identifying the areas that need work and the best path to follow.  He's helped me move beyond many difficult times when I had no idea what exactly wasn't working or how to change things.


Jennifer S

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