Introducing the Living Yoga Course

Do you ever feel the need to press pause and regroup? It happens to the best of us and can be a smart thing to do. Over the last month, I stepped back from writing to focus on a few projects. One of them addresses an issue that may interest you.  

If you are interested in deepening your journey building a foundation that includes the theory and principles of yoga are important. 

If you’re thinking of deepening your journey you likely have some questions.

  • Why do we use certain techniques? 
  • How should I practice to get better outputs? 
  • What have those yogis done in the caves of the Himalayas for millennia and do efforts apply to us today? 
  • What did yoga look like before the proliferation of commercial group classes? 
  • How can yoga transform my life?

These questions have driven me to study and embody these teachings. As a teacher, the path is clearer we continue to train, grow and expand our understanding of theories, practices, techniques and principles that make up yoga so we can share them with you. That’s our duty.  

However, for those who aren’t interested in teaching, there are not many venues where you can truly dive into yoga. 

I’ve been running yoga teacher training certification programs for 18 years. During that time I’ve observed how many people who attend these trainings aren’t necessarily interested in becoming yoga teachers. Rather, they are eager to know more about yoga. And yet yoga training programs at the 200-hour level focus an inordinate amount of time on teaching dozens of poses which may not be of benefit to these participants. 

The teacher trainings often give short shrift to the bigger picture, let’s call it the yoga tradition such as the history, theory and the philosophy that underpins it, the stuff these participants are really yearning for.

What if they could participate in a training that was not an expensive, resource-intensive yoga training? 

To address this need, I’ve created an introductory level course called Living Yoga

In this 4-week self-directed course participants will participate in:: 

  • Reflections and activities that create a mindset to grow your practice  
  • An introduction to the tradition of yoga including the history and underpinning philosophy.
  • A number of tailored complete practices that you can use for your ongoing personal practice. 
  • Various techniques to incorporate into your practice that you may not yet have experienced. 
  • An overview of the subtle anatomy that informs the theory behind the practice.
  • Contemplations on how to take your yoga off the mat.

To weave the content together a community forum is built into the course. Community or sangha is a big part of the yoga journey participants are given the opportunity to engage on specific topics and share their experiences. 

If you or someone you know is interested in expanding your yoga journey I’m confident that Living Yoga will open new doors for you. 

I’m inviting you to head over to the Living Yoga Course landing page now and have a closer look at what’s included. 

The course is ready to go now and  I’m super pumped to share this opportunity with you. 

Registration information is on the course page.

I hope to see you during the course. 



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