2020-The Act of Letting Go


You can use the events of 2020 to practice letting go. 

Letting go is a big part of the yoga tradition; you need to leave things in the past so you can grow and evolve. 

2020 was a year in which many issues came to the surface. It shone a light on the structural inequalities in our society resulting in some bearing the brunt of Covid-19 more than others. Economic and racial inequality are parts of our society that we could choose to let go of. But this won't be easy. We get attached to our ways of being, including social systems. 

Many want to get back to "normal". We have to let go of this notion as we are now going to be living with and adapting to a virus, perhaps the first of many, that society has to adjust to living with in the future. We can - and must - move forward with new ideas and systems that support this new reality. 

Start with you. You can consciously move forward and affect positive change if you let go of aspects of your life that no longer serve you. As you move forward identify things in your life that serve your highest purpose. You will benefit but so will society.  




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