The Next Chapter


When you reflect on big shifts in your life and the new chapters they present how do you feel? I guess it really depends on the catalyst for the change. Changes that are unexpected and related to loss may catapult you into a downward spiral if you are lacking in a strong personal foundation. These changes can begin painfully and require a lot of effort to get through. Ideally, you grow and learn from them. 

When changes are planned and well-orchestrated they often act as springboards to a new chapter filled with learning and self-discovery. These are definitely the preferred changes. 

From a yoga point of view, the changing nature of our experiences feeds imbalances, insecurity and suffering when you are not established in a greater sense of self. The yoga philosophy teaches that we are all spiritual beings here on Earth having a human experience. The human experience has one universal truth and that is change. Change is the one constant in all our lives. When you become preoccupied with the ever-changing aspects of life you forget the bigger picture and your true nature. 

Yoga gives you the tools and teachings to weather the change-storm of life. You establish a strong foundation meaning that you are centred, grounded and connected to your source. You understand the truth that your experiences in this lifetime are not in the grand scheme of things the big story but maintaining a connection to your soul or spirit is.

I’ve heard a metaphor about this big-picture stuff that can be helpful. Think of how you live in an apartment or house and when that dwelling has served its purpose you move on. Similarly, the soul is hosted in your physical form. When the soul’s purpose for having its human experience is complete it moves on, not to another apartment, but to another entity.

Thus, the soul is the big story and yet we get fixated almost exclusively on the human experience. Yoga has taught me how to remain connected to the bigger picture - most of the time. So, when changes come up, I am able to remain calm and centred.

I’m in midst of closing out one chapter of my life and I’m maintaining my cool as it all unfolds. The last two years presented numerous challenges triggered by COVID-19. After losing my yoga property I was liberated from the many challenges it had presented for 10 years. While on the surface the loss appeared to be negative but it was a prelude to the forthcoming change. This change presented a chance for me.

My foundation is strong. I have a clear sense of self and I understand what is and is not important in the grand scheme of things. I’ve therefore moved through COVID-19 and the change that is afoot without a sense of upheaval. Resting in the witness mode I’ve observed my navigation through it all with a clear mind. Many folks have asked me how I’ve maintained my cool and as always I attribute it to my practice.

So what is my new chapter? After 24 years of living in Ottawa, I’m returning to the west coast, this time to Victoria. I was drawn to the energy of Victoria when I visited a few years ago. The choice was obvious. I travelled there last month to scout out possible living accommodations not expecting to be successful in a heated rental market with very high prices. I was surprised when a perfect apartment in a perfect location presented itself. Despite having a crappy credit score due to my bankruptcy, the landlord liked me and said I’d be an ideal tenant. It all worked out. 

When you have a strong foundation and the universe speaks, you listen.

Five weeks after my initial trip I’ve arrived in Victoria and I couldn’t be happier (despite the challenges I’m having getting my internet set up!).

As one chapter ends and another begins I’ll experience many changes and lots of opportunities. I look forward to these and this new chapter of reinventing myself.

With regard to what my yoga program will look like it remains the same with Tuesday and Thursday 7 pm EST classes. I look forward to seeing you. Not yet a member? Why not sign-up now and get 2 weeks free!


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