We Are Living in Troubled Times

The last few weeks have been challenging times. Those of us on a spiritual quest can find it hard to live in this world at times. The journey through darkness is however part of connecting to the light of upliftment and human transformation. Shitty as that journey can be. 

After two years of dealing with the complications related to a global pandemic which was hard on most of us in a variety of ways, we are now in the midst of some very problematic geopolitical issues. The unprovoked war in Ukraine, the imminent rollback of a woman’s right to choose in the USA, and the people of the Philippines electing the son of a dictator who traumatized and robbed the country of its wealth for over 20 years 3 decades ago are all examples of troubling and challenging times. And these are just three examples! 

Yes, there are always issues of inequality, human rights abuses and other forms of injustice. We are in a time where tyrants and strongman autocrats accede to power and create a world that is more unfair and fractured. 

We are in an era of electing leaders whose promises are vapid and whose policies end up hurting society. Populist leaders spew rhetoric filled with sound-bite solutions to complex problems and people lap it up. These same leaders become drunk with power when elected and strategically use tactics that divide us so they can hold that power. 

Just a small amount of critical thinking would help us to collectively understand there are no issues that are simply black and white, right or wrong. There are no quick fixes. But critical thinking seems to be lost on many. Most issues are highly nuanced and require thoughtful discourse and discussion, a real debate of ideas. Instead, we get name-calling, vitriol, and lies that debase politics leaving the levers of power strongly in the grip of those who profit most from it.

As a spiritual seeker, it can be tempting to turn off the issues of the world, avoid politics and shun the problems of the day. Some may seek isolation or even go so far as to move to an ashram to avoid it all, but ashrams too have their own politics just of a different nature. 

There is the issue of spiritual bypassing as well, where spiritual seekers hide behind their spirituality and practices to disconnect from feelings and avoid confronting the challenging stuff. Mostly this is related to one's emotional being, but by extension, I’d argue it includes turning one’s back on social, economic and political issues as well. 

In this era of challenging times, it is important that those of us seeking a higher understanding of life double down on our practices, whatever they may be. This is important work that affects the energy field, the subtle realms that we’re all plugged into, consciously or unconsciously. 

Most spiritual teachings use the metaphor of darkness and light to refer to the challenges of humanity on this earthly plane (the former) and the goodness that is inherent in all of humanity to rise about it all (the latter). Essentially the universal teachings are that when we light ourselves up through our practices there is no room for darkness to prevail.

Our birthright is that of joy. We can access joy even in the midst of challenging times. Journey inward. Find that light in the heart centre that is beyond all sorrow. Come back to it at every opportunity. Become a light to guide others who may be struggling. 

This is subtle but important work. The issues facing humanity can be daunting and overwhelming for sure. And we do need to engage to affect change. It is important that we not cede the world to those whose quest for power does not align with humanity’s needs. 

Be an agent of change by acting. Become a beaming light of goodness by doing your practice. Have a great impact on those around you by who you choose to be in this world. It is important and honourable work that we can do together! Go ahead and book a free 30-minute chat with me if you would like to discuss this further.


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