Life is a series of choices many of which we avoid making because we are comfortable, even if we are not happy. In midlife choose to make changes and make these the best years of your life. ...more
February 13, 2025•2 min read
Working towards achievements can be frustrating and at times it feels like giving up is the only option, but you may be closer to success than you realize. ...more
February 06, 2025•3 min read
In midlife many men isolate and suffer in silence. They may be going through all sorts of challenges physically, mentally, emotionally, but keep it bottled up. Let's change that. ...more
January 23, 2025•3 min read
Unlocking wisdom in the energy body is an important part of the midlife journey. Moving from the lower mind to the upper mind can by working with the energy body brings about the changes necessary to ... ...more
January 14, 2025•2 min read
The beginning of the year is a great time to set goals for the year. Entrepeneurs know this well, the rest of us, not so much. Living a life of intentionality is important. Many of us start living by ... ...more
January 10, 2025•3 min read
The holiday season is a great time to pause and celebrate your achievements, reflect on challenges and growth, and to plan for the future. ...more
December 23, 2024•4 min read