We Are Living in Troubled Times

The last few weeks have been challenging times. Those of us on a spiritual quest can find it hard to live in this world at times. The journey through darkness is however part of connecting to the...

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Wake Up!

With the new year underway and the omicron variant of Covid wreaking havoc on communities, I’ve noticed a certain amount of reflection occurring. I think reflection is important. It should be...

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What Role Does Faith Play In Your Life?

When you hear the word "faith" what does it conjure up for you? In my previous life, I equated faith with religion and had a negative view of it as being for the weak of mind, those who couldn't...

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Getting to the Heart of Matters

People come to yoga for all sorts of reasons. Some want to feel more fit, some are seeking community, some want to connect with their body, some have conditions that no other therapy has helped,...

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Moving Into Positivity


If you are someone who finds yourself often stuck in a negative mindset - being critical and judgemental - this can be a heavy place. You can make changes. You can use yoga as a  vehicle for...

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Choosing Change or Contentment


When your life brings about uncertainty you have choices. You can choose to make changes or find yourself in a place of contentment.

When things aren't going right - relationship, home, work, job,...

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