A Gift to Yourself

The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on your journey. Although some of you may be busy with holiday planning, many will spend another quiet Christmas. Maybe this is an opportunity....

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A Fork in the Road of Life

How many times have you reached a proverbial fork in the road where you have a choice to make that will have significant impacts on your life? When faced with a tough decision there are numerous...

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The Sap of Life

I hope you’re having a brilliant day. Mine has been great. I’m just back from a walk.  

Daily walks are one of the things I’ve started as a result of COVID-19. I take...

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Creativity - the Juice of Life


The teachings of Ayurveda and yoga say that creativity is an important pillar in a balanced life. In the purushartha, ancient teachings that identify the four desires of life, kama is one of the...

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Doing Less to Do More


We live in a culture of doing more.  We have high expectations - of ourselves and of others. We are products of this culture and we also perpetuate it.  Our family, work and social lives...

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Who Are Your Teachers?

journey life tantra teacher yoga Mar 09, 2021

In this video, YogiLoren shares his thoughts on the concept of the teacher. The teacher need not be limited to the formal definition or understanding we may have. Listen and find out what YogiLoren...

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