Yoga, Healing and a Gift!

As you move through the lazy days of summer and slow down the pace of your busy life, it can be a great time for reflection. When you reflect on what is and has been you may recognize patterns of...

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When Life Presents Struggles

Life is an interesting journey, don’t you think? We live and grow through many stages. There are many ups and downs and lots of in-betweens. There are struggles and successes. When challenges...

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Do You Seize the Moment?

When life presents opportunities there are effectively only two choices to make, to act or not to act. When presented with an opportunity your discerning faculties kick in. Those with greater...

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What Role Does Faith Play In Your Life?

When you hear the word "faith" what does it conjure up for you? In my previous life, I equated faith with religion and had a negative view of it as being for the weak of mind, those who couldn't...

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Is Fear Impacting Your Life?

Do you ever think about fear? Our society with all of its advances and “progress” is teeming with fear just below the surface. There are many examples of how fear is propagated. The...

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Yoga and Spirit


The definition of Yoga

You often hear the definition of yoga as the union of body, mind and spirit.  How connected are you to these three aspects?

Through your physical practice, attending...

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Choosing Change or Contentment


When your life brings about uncertainty you have choices. You can choose to make changes or find yourself in a place of contentment.

When things aren't going right - relationship, home, work, job,...

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Doing Less to Do More


We live in a culture of doing more.  We have high expectations - of ourselves and of others. We are products of this culture and we also perpetuate it.  Our family, work and social lives...

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Yoga and Inertia


Have you ever felt stuck?

It could be like you're in a similar situation or pattern that keeps occurring over and over again. It may be a relationship that is no longer fulfilling or a job that is...

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Getting to the Root of Meditation


Breath is life. Breath takes us to the higher essence of practice - to deep meditative states. 

Meditation is now becoming better understand and taught in yoga classes, it's on Netflix and is...

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